In our previous post, we explored the benefits of using a monorepo for Python projects and set up a basic structure for our repository. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into two essential tools that will take our monorepo to the next level: Docker multi-stage builds and Pytest with coverage reporting.

One of the biggest problems in my throughout year of working in tech industry is communication and ensure that everyone on team is onboard with each other. The difficult thing here is not only communication in your team but as your whole organization as well. Mismatch dependency, API contract violate and integration test is the most common bugs that I found in production and even after countless post-mortern notes and meetings, no one can ensure that this problem will not occur again. But I think monorepo can be a solution for this nuisance, with the potential can lead to better communication and a more cohesive team.

New year new me right, after a year of upheaval, I take some moment to look back the journey of 2022. This year I want to recap what I learn, and my current thought about it. Furthermore, planning hype tech for next year and we will see if can I learn and try it in 2023. Keeping a journal of what you learn is one of the biggest proofs to compare yourself to who you were last year.

The most crucial practice in cloud security is private access and a control panel for managing users with whom service users can access. However, too much control in private access and administration will cause headache for every new member when hands-on coding. Especially more services require more maintenance from both maintainer and user, and the resource for keeping everything in standard security practice requires a lot in the workforce and net cloud cost. Tailscale is the new VPN service that offers to solve this challenge at a competitive cost.

What separates between 10x developer and 1x developer, the line has to be really big to satisfy the term 10x developer. Most people think knowledge and experience cause the difference, but every company has its problem. The knowledge required for these jobs can be so different that sometimes you have to start from zero. Rather than knowledge and experience, impacts and productivity of your performance are mostly value and solid metrics to compare. But personal productivity always depends on context; how can someone be 10x more productive than others even within the same timeframe to solve the problem? The question is: do such super-productive professionals even exist, and is it possible to become one of them?